Acupuncture for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS effects many women all over the world, Prestige Center look at a combination of both western and TCM to regulate menstruation and increase the chances of becoming pregnant along with treatment plans for those not looking to get pregnant. 


About PCOS

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a female condition that causes cysts to form on the ovaries. Those who suffer from this tend to also have high testosterone levels, difficulty with ovulating, and metabolism problems. PCOS has become very common, affecting 5–10% of the population of women in Australia of the reproductive age (12–45) and was also found in  20–25% of women in surveys in the United Kingdom and New Zealand.

Many patients with PCOS also suffer with infertility issues. This can result in women having to take drugs like clomiphene to help with infertility issues or eventually IVF if they cannot fall pregnant naturally. If PCOS is left untreated it can cause additional health issues such as diabetes, heart attacks, high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol. Sufferers are 8 times more likely to develop cardiovascular disease, 3-5 times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, and have double the chance of contracting cervical and breast cancer.

In addition, the absence of regular menstruation induced by progesterone withdrawal may lead to endometrial hyperplasia and uncontrolled bleeding as well as the risk of endometrial cancer. However, early diagnosis and treatment may reduce the risk of development.


PCOS and fertility

PCOS can greatly affect a woman’s fertility as the ovaries do not produce enough of hormones for the egg to mature. The follicles may start to grow and build up fluid, but ovulation doesn’t always occur. Instead of ovulating, the follicles remain as cysts. As a result of this, the hormone progesterone cannot be made. Without progesterone, a woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular or absent. Alternatively, the ovaries produce the male hormones which inhibits ovulation. This results in the woman not ovulating (amenorrhea) or irregular ovulation (oligomenorrhea), which can cause irregular menstruation or not menstruating at all. This can significantly decrease a woman’s chances of becoming pregnant, and can also inhibit the sufferer’s daily life.


Symptoms of PCOS

The following list are the symptoms of PCOS. If you suffer from many of these symptoms and suspect you may have PCOS, contact your MD right away.

  • Absent, infrequent and/or irregular menstrual cycles
  • Fertility issues
  • Sore breasts
  • Mood swings
  • Skin problems such as acne or oily skin
  • Increase in hair growth and dandruff
  • Increase in weight (especially around the waistline)
  • Pelvic pain
  • Cysts on ovaries
  • Skin tags (especially in the armpits and/or neck area)
  • Balding or thinning of hair
  • Sleep apnea
  • Depression and anxiety


PCOS from an Eastern Perspective

YU-Jin, an expert in his field combined western laboratory tests with eastern medical doctrines to develop a treatment for those with PCOS.            

The results found that there are two major reasons for PCOS. The first says that PCOS is a result of high testosterone levels, which relates to a Yang deficiency and an excess of phlegm in Chinese medicine. The second relates to high testosterone and insulin resistance, which is associated with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and a Yin deficiency causing internal heat and an accumulation of phlegm.


PCOS from a Western Perspective

Doctors often prescribe medication to regulate menstruation and progesterone to increase progesterone levels in the body. Stopping the intake of synthetic progesterone will trigger the shedding of the uterus lining. This shedding often results in heavy bleeding and can be physically draining for those with PCOS.

However, taking progesterone does not mean that you will begin to experience regular periods or that the uterus lining will no longer build up in future cycles. Synthetic progesterone is not a cure, it’s only a treatment to manage the signs and symptoms of PCOS. The root of the problem still remains and as soon as the medication stops, the symptoms will return. These hormone treatments not only slow down the body’s natural hormones, but can also suppress the functions of the ovaries.


Recommended PCOS treatments by Prestige Center

A combination of both western and TCM are the best ways to regulate menstruation and increase the chances of becoming pregnant. The best treatment for PCOS is to regulate the whole system to achieve results.

Patients should not only seek hormone treatments that only have short-term results. This can damage the function of the ovaries and cause damage to the body which can inhibit sex life and cause fertility issues.


1. Lifestyle changes to help PCOS and health

The following lifestyle changes can help those who suffer from PCOS and will allow the body’s metabolism to regain balance.

  1. Avoid stress – stress triggers hormone secretions and inhibits ovarian function.
  2. Sleep – get at least 8 hours sleep a night to prevent high blood sugar levels, and to balance sympathetic nerves and the vagus nerve.
  3. Diet – eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, fibre-based carbohydrates, seafood and less meat where possible.
  4. Exercise – exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.


2. Treatment Plan for PCOS

Prestige Center have developed a unique treatment for PCOS which is tailored to each individual patient and is focused on the person not the disease. It promotes ovulation and stimulates the nervous system to secrete and regulate neurotransmitters such as endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and melatonin to make you more relaxed. We will also offer you advice and support to make healthier lifestyle changes.


3. Acupuncture and TCM treatment for fertility

Acupuncture will further promote ovulation and support IVF or ART patients to reduce the side effects of IVF treatment. Acupuncture and TCM is used to protect the ovaries in order to support and sustain the pregnancy.


4.What if I’m not looking to fall pregnant?

For young patients or patients whose fertility is not their main concern, Chinese herbs and acupuncture can regulate the nervous system. This will help to reduce stress and regulate endocrine hormones to promote ovulation. This will result in a regular menstruation cycle and a holistically adjusted metabolic profile. For patients who have children or are pre-menopausal, this treatment will focus on regulating ovarian function and improving the metabolism of the neuroendocrine system.

If you are interested in acupuncture or any other kind of treatment, you can contact Prestige, an alternative health clinic conveniently located in Kitsilano.


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