10 Benefits of Acupuncture

When we hear the word acupuncture, immediately we think of needles inserted in the skin, but the majority of people do not know that those tiny needles bring a vast amount of benefits to body and mind. This ancient Chinese practice involves the stimulation of corporal key points in order to prevent and mitigate a wide range of pathologies. Nowadays in the western world, acupuncture is being used as an alternative therapy making millions of people turn to it as a complementary treatment to relieve different conditions and improve their quality of life. Among all the advantages that this practice brings, in Prestige we have tried to summarize them into 10 benefits of acupuncture for health.

  1. Natural painkiller

The favorite challenge of acupuncture is the chronic and acute pain, this is one of the most common conditions for which this therapy is used. Ailments such as arthritis, neck pain, back pain, menstrual pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, sprains and strains of joints, and digestive distress are often helped by acupuncture, even patients with severe headaches and migraines have find alleviation in acupuncture.

  1. Combats respiratory problems

Acupuncture is very effective to achieve respiratory health, as it helps airways to open. Conditions like allergies, asthma, sinusitis, and rhinitis are positive affected with constant acupuncture sessions. Being aware of pollutants that we have at home as cleaning chemicals, fabrics, plastics and aerosols products, and find alternatives to them can also help in respiratory imbalances.

  1. Improves energy

Acupuncture works with the body’s energy system, attaining its balance. Everything around us is energy, from our diet to our thoughts, and even people to whom we socialized daily can alter and create imbalances in the body. This is why we get sick or sometimes we feel without energy for any apparent reason. Through acupuncture points, this alternative medicine obtains the energy balance to let the body energy flows without stagnate, and deflect that energy to the areas of the body that need it.

  1. Reduces stress

By the balance of the body’s energy, acupuncture also fights against the evil that affects most of the people nowadays, stress. High levels of stress conduct the body to heart failure, killing more often young people. The body needs to rest and relax to balance the energy, but a stressed mind will not achieve this point, not even sleeping. Acupuncture is capable of activate relaxation and balance points.

  1. Anti stress and weight control

It doesn’t matter which condition is being treated with acupuncture therapy, it will also accomplish emotional balance as a leading positive side effect. With acupuncture are addressed emotional imbalances such as depression, anxiety, and frustration; helping also persons with weight loss problems, which are mostly generated by emotional issues. Acupuncture is capable of approach both physical and emotional points at the same time.

  1. Controls hormonal balance

PMS and menopausal symptoms are a common consultation among acupuncturists. Symptoms as headaches, cramps, sleep disorders, mood swings, night sweats, cycle time, and pimples can be effectively lessen by acupuncture. Besides, through acupuncture and physical exercise can also be relieved the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women with polycystic ovaries do not ovulate normally, which can result in infertility, increased risk of obesity, development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. After a few months of therapy, acupuncture normalizes menstrual cycle and regulates hormonal levels.

  1. Sport injuries recovery and anti aging effect

Through the needles, acupuncture is able to increase circulation, reducing scarring and inflammation of the skin. Many professional sports teams have acupuncturists on their medical staff to help and fasten the healing process of their athletes that suffer injuries. It is also used in cosmetics as a non-surgical method to prevent and correct the signs of aging on the face, and to treat skin conditions like acne and rosacea.

  1. Eliminates sleep disorders

Insomnia and other sleep disorders are also commonly treated by acupuncture. These problems can be caused by stress, injuries, pain and emotional imbalance. A good sleep is also a positive side effect when acupuncture is used to treat other syndromes. Acupuncture can in a few sessions eliminates sleep disorders.

  1. Improves body’s health

As we said, emotional distress, allergies, and diseases, are an imbalance of the body’s energy system, and this imbalance also creates a weak immune system. Acupuncture is capable of realign the energy to balance general health of the body.

  1. Counteracts side effects of radiation

Cancer patients undergoing radiation treatment are prone to a variety of side effects, depending on the body part being treated. However, the influence of acupuncture can help to reduce side effects, particularly of nausea, pain, and dry mouth, common conditions in some cancer patients. Moreover, the American Cancer Society found that people who receive radiation treatment perceive less negative side effects after acupuncture. Acupuncture does not eliminate the symptoms, but it does help to improve the quality of life of patients after the therapy.

Besides, other benefits of acupuncture are:

Acupuncture has no side effects, unlike drugs.
It is natural and works helping to restore the lost balance of the body and stimulating its regenerative capacity.
Its application is simple and the results are visible after a few sessions.
It is practically painless, although it should be clarified that the sensitivity of each person differs.

In 2003 the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report recognizing the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of over a 100 conditions, and in 2007, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) also published studies conducted on acupuncture and how it can be helpful for various health conditions. Thereby, now you know the 10 benefits of acupuncture over the body and state of mind. Acupuncture treatments are often covered by extended health plans in Vancouver. If you are interested in any acupuncture treatment, you can contact Prestige, an alternative health clinic conveniently located in Kitsilano, where our registered acupuncturist Azadeh Baradaran can help you with specific situation.

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